Leisure Time ZZ Giorgio *B +VV 83 (yearling) *DNA*
"G" DOB: 2/25/2018 (twins) Alpha s1 Casein: A/A *See Giorgio's online pedigree HERE.
"G" is an exciting new addition from Leisure Time Farm in Washington state. He is a very dairy buck with great conformation and excellent milk genetics. G excels in dairy strength and stands on strong feet and legs. He has passed along his strong dairy character to his 2019 kids, and as a result I'm retaining a few doelings from G this year. G's sire was second place Jr. Get of Sire at the 2019 ADGA National show this summer. Multiple half sisters placed well in their classes including Leisure Time ZZ Georgia who was first place National Junior Kid. G's dam, Leisure Time SilversN Style 3*M +VVV 86, placed 17 in her extremely competitive class of 4 year old milkers at the 2019 ADGA National Show.
Show Record
2019: Treasure State Dairy Goat Association Reserve Grand Champion senior bucks (ring 2, Tracy Stempke) |
SSS: CH Alethia CTO Eye of the Tiger
SS: Alethia ET I'm a Love Machine SSD: SGCH Alethia MH Dew Ya Love Me VEVE 90 (4-03) Sire: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man +V+ 84 (1-03) SDS: Algedi Farm SS Captain Kid +*B VEE 89 (6-04) SD: Algedi Farm CK Seirene Song 6*M VEVE 91 (3-00) SDD: GCH Algedi Farm DJ Splash O' Honey 5*M VVEE 90 (5-02) DSS: GCH Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE 91 (6-04) DS: Alethia DJ Triton +*B VEV 88 (5-01) DSD: GCH Algedi Farm RK Stella Luna 4*M VEVE 90 (5-01) Dam: Leisure Time TT SilversN Style 3*M +VVV 86 (4-03) DDS: AGS Take Heart Cabin Fever +B +VE 85 (4-04) DD: Leisure Time CF Silver Bell 2*M EVEV 88 (2-02) DDD: SG The Blue Aced Bella 1*M VEEV 89 (4-04) |
Giorgio's Dam: Leisure Time TT SilversN Style 3*M +VVV 86 2x Grand Champion; 2x Reserve Grand Champion *17th place 4 yr olds 2019 National Show* |