Rams are tested for OPP and CL if brought in from another flock. All rams are tested for B. Ovis yearly. Latest tests negative in September 2018.
HYA RAM M2H 18C "Tai"

"Tai" is a lovely grey moorit and carries solid. Large lamb and very fast growing. Exceptional conformation, long body, broadly built, good depth, lovely fleece. Wide hornset. Grand Champion Icelandic Ram and overall Supreme Ram at the annual ISBONA show at the Big Sky Fiber Festival in Hamilton, MT on June 13, 2015. The judge could not have been more complementary of this guy!
DOB: 3/15/15 (twin)
Sire: DAI EITILL RAM 01H 1241Z "Mani" (twin)
Dam: TCE EWE M2H 597X "Runa" (single)
DOB: 3/15/15 (twin)
Sire: DAI EITILL RAM 01H 1241Z "Mani" (twin)
Dam: TCE EWE M2H 597X "Runa" (single)
Reference Rams
HYA PONCHO RAM 01H 51F "Poncho"
This a gorgeous, very fast growing ram lamb. Poncho is extremely wide through back and rump and has excellent conformation. He carries black and/or moorit from either parent. Poncho carries the grey pattern from his dam and possibly spotting from either side. DOB: 4/2/2018 (Twin) SIRE: TOC Thor 01H 28E (Thor) DAM: HYA EWE B2H 20C (Pepper) |
DAI EITILL RAM 01H 1241Z "Mani"

Mani was white, carried moorit and black, and carried grey. He came from Dancing Aspens Farms in Kalispell. Mani had a lovely fleece, strong stocky build, excellent conformation, very mellow temperament. His horns were crowding slightly so I did wind up trimming them, not sure if they would have been okay if left alone. Paternal grandsire is AI ram Kveikur. Mani threw lovely lambs and has produced excellent breedstock for future generations at Hyalite Farm. Click HERE to view Mani's pedigree
DOB: 4/18/2012 (twin)
Sire: TCE AI Ram B5SH 672Y (twin)
Dam: TCE EWE M2H193P (twin)
DOB: 4/18/2012 (twin)
Sire: TCE AI Ram B5SH 672Y (twin)
Dam: TCE EWE M2H193P (twin)